Other Items from Literacy
LEAPING LITERACY! RHYTHM STICKS, RIBBONS & GAMES - Prepare children for reading success with these unique songs, tongue twisters, games, and activities. Each song reinforces at least one valuable literacy skill,. Comprehensive guide included. KIM9178CD
LAUGH 'N' LEARN LITERACY SONGS By Dr. Pam Schiller - Humor is good for our bodies and brains. Original songs by Pam Schiller are set to familiar tunes. Many well-known favorites are also included. Accompanying guide includes brain information, literature connections, lyrics and activities for every song. KIM9175CD
NURSERY RHYME TIME - Rhymes and rhythms boost learning phonological awareness. Each rhyme is sung, and then followed by a finger play or simple activity set to the music, and then sung once through again to reinforce the language. Guide with lyrics/activities. KIM9158CD
A to Z, THE ANIMALS & ME CD - Alliterative songs creatively teach the alphabet. Each letter is represented by an animal and reinforced by a corresponding movement; i.e., Excercising Elephant, Hula Dancing Hippo, and more! KIM9136CD
ROCKIN' READING READINESS The Music Rocks & The Songs Teach! - Children learn valuable literacy concepts from these cool lyrics. Skills include oral language, phonological awareness, letter knowledge, print awareness, and more. Guide is filled with activities, lyrics and book connections. KIM9179CD
ALPHABET IN ACTION CD - 30 songs and activities teach initial consonant and vowel sounds. This double CD helps develop beginning reading skills and is appropriate for more experienced learners. Guide offers an action activity for each song that ties into a literacy skill. KIM1210CD
LITERACY 3 - CD SET - You can help your children learn important reading readiness skills. 47 songs on 3 best-selling CDs are not only catchy and fun, they also optimize the development of early literacy. Each CD is unique and has won multiple prestigious awards. Accompanying guides include activities, lyrics and useful information. KIM7097CD If sold separately $47.85 You save $3.90!